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the world-cultural-heritage 2025 - Das Weltkulturerbe
  • The World-Cultural-Heritage Das Weltkulturerbe in 2025


Full Brake

The World-Cultural-Heritage

 Journalism (cum-clavatore.de)

Ursula Sabisch, Lübeck, Germany, Tel. 00 IVLLMOCMLXXVI E-mail: info@auftragsreise.de Page: www.imperialis.eu


Stroeer Digital Publishing GmbH

Kastor Tower

Platz der Einheit 1

60327 Frankfurt am Main



Luebeck, 24 April 2018

Free English translation on 30 September 2021.

Please let the German-language letter be translated into many languages and be handed over to the right persons.

Years of Reporting with Entertainment Value, but without beneficial Effects on Humanity.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Masters and Publishers of Newspapers and Magazines,

It is also time for you, your competitors and employees to stop suppressing the bitter reality by looking for new topics every day and highlighting the sensational news, but the zeitgeist can "make a clear sweep" one person after the other unchallenged and no one from your ranks helps to pull the emergency brake so as not to let go of it until this broken hovel, i. e. the world, comes to a standstill!

Perhaps you should each think for at least ten minutes why you of all people are occupying this position in the publishing house and no one else is meant for it?

However, if you and your kind cannot think of a reasonable solution for this full stop, then you will hopefully be asked by a heavy blow on your desk to leave the place you are currently occupying and thus blocking, so that an appropriate person in charge, who is equipped with a wealth of ideas, can and will support the aforementioned full stop.

You have put all the issues through the grinder, put them into the psychological windmill and your time is wasted but not yet completely missed, however, the time pressure has already become quite enormous for a full braking!

Please ensure that you and your colleagues inform the population, among others, of the existence of the Authorities, preferably my person, by surreptitious means via newspapers, and please inform the people and your circle of colleagues abroad as a matter of priority that not a single abortion may be carried out worldwide and that at the same time the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires must immediately invest the fortune of mankind accumulated for this purpose in a sensible and sustainable way for projects in the Third World.

Otherwise, it may happen that the Cudgel of my person hits the desk of the "administrators of the funds" and if the respective super-rich administrator does not think of anything sensible, then the Cudgel will certainly hit such a creature to the extent that not much will be left of the respective creature!

A voluntariness of the administrators of the funds would be desirable for all concerned, but the time of voluntariness is coming to an end, but there is always a new beginning for every human being, which does not necessarily have to be desirable, which will preferably concern the administrators of the funds.

For this reason, my person will make this letter public, which does not mean that people who have not been made aware of my person are protected from punishment, unless one did not know the Ten Commandments and one did not know that an abortion prevents and kills a life, and one did not know that one is obliged to give other people something to eat and drink, because people are not viable without water and without food and one is therefore guilty of the death of these people.

You can find out more about the matter and the commission on the Internet here, for example:


Perhaps you should divide into several groups and organise yourselves by bringing all the uncovered grievances out of the archives and not just put them through the grinder for a change, but fit in the full brakes by positive results.

So I remain with kind regards,

Ursula Sabisch


Willkommen-Welcome (saturnum.de)